Schrimshaw, Helen-Maria Lekas, and Jeffrey T. King, On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of 'Straight' Black Men Who Sleep with Men (New York: Harmony Books, 2005). Quite possibly, this conflux of factors offers the best etiological elucidation of the SMSM demographic. But what if the men in question identify as heterosexual? Are they lying? Confused? Recall from the first posting that researchers increasingly call for studies to include a comprehensive description of sexuality, one encompassing self-identification, arousal patterns, and behavior.
Using this stricture as a guide, a man who has sex with another male must be gay (or bisexual at the least). The concept of straight men who have sex with men challenges the traditional and for many the unyielding belief that sexual behavior is indicative of identity. However, the etiology of this behavior remains contentious, and the final posting in this blog series will examine proposed etiological explanations for this demographic. Substance use intensifies the sexual experienceĪs the above research demonstrates, we have a much better understanding of the lived experiences of SMSM in comparison to a mere decade ago.Substance use acts as a facilitator by allowing increased comfort when approaching another male for sexual activity.Substance use is used retrospectively to rationalize or justify one’s engagement in MSM behavior.